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Spline Blueprints

The most powerful and extensible feature of TerraForm PRO is its ability to import GIS vector line and point data into UE4 Blueprints. This is because blueprints give you the ability to write your own code to tell Unreal what to do with the GIS data you’re importing.

A few examples of what you can create include:

  • Fields of crops
  • Solar farms
  • Power lines, telephone wires, or fences
  • Rows of buildings
  • Rivers with flowing water
  • Traffic on your roads
  • Paths for cameras or AI

TerraForm PRO comes with a number of blueprints (click here to see those currently available). You can also download many different types of spline blueprints from the Unreal Market Place, that you can modify with ease to use with TerraForm PRO.

Epic provides a lot of information about how to create your own blueprints, and YouTube is another great resource for step by step instructions on this topic.


Due to restrictions imposed by UE4, your blueprints will need to be parented the TerraForm Spline Actor Class and use the inherited Spline component to receive data from TerraForm PRO.